I have been a Representative of ONEgroup now for 2 yrs. In-liven is my biggest seller. I have a customer who had a 14 yr. Old son with a "Blood Platelets Disorder", or "Thrombocytopenia " He bruised easily , his blood counts were all terribly low. He passed out due to low blood counts, was rushed to the emergency room, and put on medications. He had this disease for 2 yrs, and the Doctors could not help him. He had various blood transfusions, and recently was told he needed a bone marrow transplant. They found In-liven , and the rest is History! Before starting on In-liven his platelets were 20,000, the norm is ( 140,000, - 400,000), right now after 3 months of taking 2 tsp a day, it went up to 83,000, up 62,000 points! Working on getting that higher. His Hemoglobin before starting was 6 the norm is ( 12-16) now, it is 12.5 ! White blood count very low, don't have the number, norm (4.0-10.5) , it is now 5.3 ! Red blood cell count, before was 2.39 norm is (4.7-6.1) now it is 3.74, working on it! But it is better! Bone Marrow was 25% the norm is ( 99%-100%) , now it is 65%, still working on it, but it is getting better!
He also suffered from "OCD" Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, his Mother has told me that he hasn't had any problems with it since being on it, and not been sick all winter, everybody else was, but not him. His Mother is also happy to say that after 2 yrs. He can now play football! The Doctors are taking him off of medications because of improvements..They were impressed!.. His Mother is ecstatic! She can't thank me enough for what this Product has done. I want to personally thank Czerral for this product. I have been on it for over 1 yr. And the results are amazing.........I thank you and that little boy and his Mother thank-you! Michelle Glasser ND, USA_
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Once again I keep getting testimonials!! I am completely loving this!! Czerral, I have to stop e-mailing you like this..... Hehe , but I know you love reading these........ READ! I have been taking InLiven for 1 month now and just ordered my 2nd bottle. The beginning was very rough for me because I went into major detox or had the flu at the same time, or a combination of both, I have no idea. The only thing I do know is that after 7 days of being very sick (fever, sore throat, chills, etc.) I now feel totally GREAT. I started back up on the InLiven and the following is what I am noticing:-I sleep like a BABY and I always used to sleep lightly. I would wake up a lot at night, and hear every sound. Now I am sleeping so deeply that my son waking me up in the morning to say goodbye actually SCARES ME!-My SINUS issues are gone. I used to have a stuffed up nose almost constantly due to allergies, and especially at night. Now I can breathe again. My sinuses are clear and I am not having any allergic issues at all. I am completely off of the nasty nasal spray and this to me is a miracle, as I have been on it for many years.-My appetite has decreased. I seem to be not as hungry, and I don't crave sweets as much. I think I may have lost a couple of lbs, but I am also eating less meat, processed foods, and very little to no alcohol, so could be a combination.-I have more energy. I used to feel pretty tired by 10:00 PM, now I am not tired even at 11:00, and I don't feel the need to nap after work.I have retired all of my old supplements in place of this new one, and have to say I truly enjoy not having to take those tablets and capsules every day! Kathi USA
Just wanted to share with you a fantastic testimonial from a client today. She purchased some InLiven for her 5 year old boy, Dean, who has had eczema since the age of 3 weeks. He is now taking 1 teaspoon twice a day (and asking for it) and the amount of itchy skin covering his body has gone from 95% to 5%; his stomach pains have gone; his dark rings under his eyes are gone and his mother says for the first time in his life his skin has a glow to it. She is delighted and is now trying to get her 7y.o. who has Aspergers syndrome to take it regularly as well. Although recently moving house (to one with no carpets etc) she is absolutely sure that it is the InLiven that is making the most effect. Thank you Czerral and ONE Group - Jacquie McGuire, user name ethicalorganics.
Thanks for the thoughtful insight. It was exactly what I was looking for. When the practitioner told me basically antibiotics were the only way to fix his condition, I knew in my heart that she was wrong. I realize that you are not a doctor by name but I can tell you that I know that of the doctors I have met, they do not seem to really have much knowledge in the microorganism world. I really respect your opinion and have many a time heard what you said and have had an "a-hah" moment ..if you know what I mean. I don't believe that I told you that I am an RN who currently works in a hospital setting. This comes as quite a difficult thing to do these days as I become more and more aware of how western medicine is really failing to really help people become healthy instead of just fixing all problems temporarily.
We have cut dairy from our diet almost 6 months ago, all refined sugars and starches for the past 3 months, and I have never been a caffeine drinker. Needless to say- our diet has radically changed. To clarify: Do you recommend a 1/2 tsp enliven 1x day for my son? I have heard great testimonials about fast tract and enliven and look forward to sharing our testimonial of how our bodies were healed by God's grace and assistance from your product. Thanks again for your shared knowledge, opinions and encouragement. We are keeping the faith and letting the battle rage within knowing that the good will prevail! :)
Our blessings to you and yours,
The Rottman's
Michelle, I just wanted everyone who reads your site to know that ENLIVEN really works! My husband has been taking enliven since October on a regular basis to bring his body back to a more healthy state. Everyone (4 kids) incl. Myself all came down with the flu or colds this winter. Guess what, not my husband. Not even a single symptom of a flu. Where he works, all the employees were sick too. We were also exposed to the infuenza A virus. When you say it builds up defenses against the bad bacteria, you are right on. I need to get my whole family on this. It's worth it!
Glen Ullin North Dakota, USA
Among the many things that I want to start writing about are the amazing healing stories that I have both experienced and witnessed. Here is one of them:
In late December my sister and I were in friends' house. They love pets and have 3 dogs and 4 cats. One of the dogs - a 3 year old well over 100 lbs big boy (Akita) had a torn cartilage in his rear right leg. He couldn't walk and the vet wanted to do surgery on the leg. I love dogs too much to even consider surgery when I know the body will completely heal itself as soon as the right environment in it is provided. And we also have the way to provide the right environment through In-Liven. Since we live in a wonderful world where everything truly happens for a reason, I had a jar of In-Liven in the car so I gave them the jar and told them to start feeding the dog In-Liven. In a few days our friend called us and said that they can't believe how fast the leg is healing and that all their pets love In-Liven. They wanted to continue to feed In-Liven to the dog but they had to get more of it. It was December 30. We had a winter storm with all the trimmings - snow, sleet and freezing rain and there was no way of driving about 60 miles to their house to give them more In-Liven.
I placed an order for a pack of In-Liven to be delivered to their house but I knew that because of the New Year's day and then the weekend, it will be some time until they receive it. I send an email to the head office asking if possible to do what they can for the order because it was for a dog to avoid surgery. And here comes the magic: my sister and I were working on the computer and when we looked at the tracking information of the package, I felt warm happy tears pouring down my face while witnessing the same on her face - from the moment the order was placed to the moment the order was delivered it was 18 hours!!! The morning of December 31 they have received the order. We were so overwhelmed with gratitude to our company that we couldn't find words to express it. THANK YOU ALL for your loving hearts - you make the heart of ONEgroup. We are eternally grateful to be a part of the company with a real heart that CAN make a difference and is doing it beautifully in a perfect one of a kind organic style! THANK YOU!
Now, 3 weeks after starting to eat In-Liven, the dog's leg is completely healed but the healing didn't stop there - his coat is very soft and shiny, his eyes are very clear and he is constantly running up and down the stairs full of energy and desire to play non-stop. And this is just one of the many real stories that we have witnessed and absolutely enjoy. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!
More testimonials from all over the world:
Sharon H., Canada My daughter has had stomachaches her whole life and is now almost 14. After the first day of taking In-Liven, her stomachache was less and after the second day it was completely gone. One day, away from home from early morning till late night, she didn't take In-Liven and her stomachache was back the next morning. I don't think either of us will forget again!
Dr. Karen C. MD, Australia Naturopaths have long been aware of the importance of gut integrity to the health of the body. I’ve had the opportunity to compare In-Liven probiotic powder to other brands in the marketplace and found it to be of superior potency, with bowel and general health improvements within days of clients commencing this product. Most have already tried the long list of over-the-counter probiotics with variable results. I have now started recommending In-Liven for general health maintenance.
Lesley, USA I’ve suffered for many years from auto-immune diseases such as diabetes, degenerative heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and a few others. I was a walking pharmacy and had become the world's greatest cynic, as a result of incompetent doctors and being shuffled from one doctor to another with very little success. I’ve now been on In-Liven for about 2 months and even though I still have the diseases, I feel so much better and therefore able to cope with the world's little downsides. At first the taste was pretty awful but now my palate has become used to the taste I even look forward to taking it. Energy level much higher and general outlook on life much improved. Many thanks!
Leonie B., Australia Joe was diagnosed with Leukemia 3 years ago and needs blood tests every 6 months. After New Years, we decided to start taking In-Liven once every morning. Joe had his blood test in June and when we went in to hear the results, the doctor said there had been a remarkable increase in his T-cell count. He asked, "What have you been doing differently?" We looked at each other and then realised it must be the In-Liven. The doctor told us, "Well, whatever it is, keep doing it! This is the kind of result every AIDS patient around the world looks for—an increase in their T-cells." So after that we’ve taken In-Liven without fail, apart from last week when we ran out! Cheers for a great product!
Suzanne, USA I want to tell you how much In-Liven has helped me. I was born with tonsillitis and given penicillin immediately and for the next 2 years till my tonsils were removed. When I was 7 years old, I began having bladder and kidney infections that lasted on and off till I was 25 years old. During those 18 years I was on antibiotics as if they were a food group, especially Macrodantin, the drug of choice for UTI’s. My childhood and teenage diet was one of white bread, bologna, peanut butter, Oreo cookies, Velveeta cheese and Hawaiian punch. Of course, I was chronically constipated, which seemed normal to me.
When I was 22, I became interested in health and nutrition and radically changed my diet to whole foods, whole grains and less meat. I was still constipated, having bowel movements that were small and hard and constantly struggled with that... Over the past 33 years, I’ve tried nearly every kind of lactobacillus/bifidus product made. At one point, I was a nutritional consultant and had access to many products, and had schooled myself in terms of eating a lot of raw food. All the acidophilus products actually made me more constipated. Extra fiber in the form of powders or pills created intense abdominal pain. Colonics were helpful as long as they were continued, but under my own power things didn’t seem to want to change.
At last I found your product through a friend and my life has since changed dramatically. I now have easy bowel movements every day—at least 2-3, which is exactly right. Finally, I feel like I’m going to be able to get well. It’s a joy to feel a bowel movement coming on and actually know it won’t be a struggle… Thank-you for creating this product! I have more energy and I know I have some “insurance” as the winter flu season is coming on. I take In-Liven with me wherever I go and wouldn’t be without it.
Mihir P., England I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you for your wonderful products. One of my 10-year-old twin son’s has had a slightly abnormal pH stomach since birth so he has suffered with plaque on his teeth and his tongue all these years. After giving him just ½ teaspoon of In-Liven mixed in water at bedtime for just 2 nights, he didn’t even need to use his tongue cleaner! I’ve tried many things in the past without any success. We know that we’ve finally found the solution and will be sticking to it!! Once again thank you!
Sheila B., Australia I’ve just started using your In-Liven, face and body products after obtaining your brochure. I’ve found In-Liven marvelous for my digestive problems—much less bloating and I’m tolerating foods I’ve avoided for years (especially dairy). The Intensive Body Cream cleared up my eczema on my arms and legs in a matter of days!
Sheila B., Australia I’ve just started using your In-Liven, face and body products after obtaining your brochure. I’ve found In-Liven marvelous for my digestive problems—much less bloating and I’m tolerating foods I’ve avoided for years (especially dairy). The Intensive Body Cream cleared up my eczema on my arms and legs in a matter of days!
Barry & Suzette C., Australia A big thank you for your product In-Liven! We bought our first 2 bottles today from a representative who raved about it. My wife had been gardening, felt quite sore in her hands and joints and wanted to taken some pain killers. Within 20 minutes of taking only half a teaspoon of In-Liven, the pain in her hands and joints disappeared and she feels so much better. She hasn’t taken the painkillers. We’re both excited about the amazing effects of In-Liven and have joined as representatives. We look forward to helping many people with your fantastic product.
Suzanne C. & Ryan B., Canada After hearing Czerral on a conference call a few days ago, we started using In-Liven. I also tossed a little (¼ teaspoon) into the bowl of our almost dog Storm (Japanese Akita). Surprisingly, she loves the stuff! At almost 13 years old, she's been showing signs of decline in her hips. Her legs were almost in a squat position when she stood to eat her meals. For the next 3 days, her legs were in almost normal standing position when she ate and, more importantly, her tail was curling more frequently than it had been for months! And while she still continues to enjoy her daily walk, she seems to be more energetic and adventurous, wandering off the beaten path. Her eyes are also brighter than they’ve been for a while. I'm really curious if anyone else is seeing this small miracle occurring elsewhere! I know I feel more alert since I started on the In-Liven. You might chalk that up to plain ol' psychology— placebo effect. But with a dog, I don't think the placebo reasoning flies!
Margaret M., Australia Absolutely congratulate you on a fantastic product In-Liven, I conducted my own test by taking for a few days then stopped for few days and repeated this a few times until I was totally convinced this product was giving me energy and vitality, and oomph to my system thank you for my improved sense of wellbeing. I have now returned to work after two months of illness thanks to In-Liven.
Brad H. & Jemma W., Australia Thank you, ONE Group! We’ve been taking In-Liven every day for 2 months while seeing a world-renowned iridologist/naturopath in Sydney… On the recommendation of Czerral, the formulator of In-Liven, we undertook a cleanse (1 teaspoon of In-Liven 3 times a day for 15 days) after which we reverted back to the recommended amount (1 teaspoon a day). On our next visit to the iridologist/naturopath, he was astounded at the change in our eyes, especially relating to the part of our eyes that represents the bowel and lymphatic system. He told us he’d never seen such dramatic changes in such a short period of time and said, “Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it because it’s working!” Thank you for providing such amazing products to assist our health and vitality.
Clare B., Australia I bought my dad some In-Liven. He’s been sick for quite awhile. I didn’t see him for the next 2 weeks and when I did see him, his face colour had totally changed. Instead of grey, it was plump and pink. Even one of his 75-year-old cronies told him he was looking great. Men never notice this stuff either—amazing!
Maree M., Australia I always used to get a cold with fever every couple of months, all my life—at least through the winter. I’ve now gone a full 12 months with not a single cold, which coincides with the date I started taking In-Liven! Interesting! And I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease 15 years ago. Don't seem to have the same problems there either now! Interesting! Tastes good too!
Laura B., Australia I have to say that In-Liven is the best probiotic I have ever taken. The improvement in my assimilation and elimination has been a quantum leap. I bit my fingernails as a child and have always had nails that split and broke when they got to a certain length. More recently I had begun to think that it was having my hands in water a lot—you know, cleaning etc. But since starting In-Liven 2 months ago, my nails are now lovely and long. The whites of my nails are much whiter, now peeking successfully over the top of my fingers, and look beautiful with a French pink nail polish and guess what they don’t seem to be bothered by being in water as much. Thank you for such a wonderful product. I’ve been looking a long time to find a single supplement to simplify my nutritional supplementation and this comes very close.
Melanie T., Australia Thank you for making such a wonderful product and for truly caring about our children and our environment… I have a photo testimonial of a child who’s had amazing success with In-Liven! He’s 2 years old and his face has always been so red, but after one day on the product it cleared up and is looking great! His mother now wants to sell our products. Warm wishes
Giosetta O., Australia In August 2005 my dad had a partial bowel removal because of cancer and was fitted with a temporary colostomy bag. Once dad came home from hospital I started him on one teaspoon of In-liven per day and his appetite improved within a week. When dad went for a checkup to see how his bowel was healing they found it had healed up very well and no abnormalities were found. We were told by the doctors that dad would have the colostomy bag in anywhere between 3-6 months, but after just 2½ months his colostomy bag was removed. I knew it was a miracle and that there’s more than one reason why I use this wonderful product and why I became an independent rep. I will be forever grateful!
I have been a Representative of ONEgroup now for 2 yrs. In-liven is my biggest seller. I have a customer who had a 14 yr. Old son with a "Blood Platelets Disorder", or "Thrombocytopenia " He bruised easily , his blood counts were all terribly low. He passed out due to low blood counts, was rushed to the emergency room, and put on medications. He had this disease for 2 yrs, and the Doctors could not help him. He had various blood transfusions, and recently was told he needed a bone marrow transplant. They found In-liven , and the rest is History! Before starting on In-liven his platelets were 20,000, the norm is ( 140,000, - 400,000), right now after 3 months of taking 2 tsp a day, it went up to 83,000, up 62,000 points! Working on getting that higher. His Hemoglobin before starting was 6 the norm is ( 12-16) now, it is 12.5 ! White blood count very low, don't have the number, norm (4.0-10.5) , it is now 5.3 ! Red blood cell count, before was 2.39 norm is (4.7-6.1) now it is 3.74, working on it! But it is better! Bone Marrow was 25% the norm is ( 99%-100%) , now it is 65%, still working on it, but it is getting better!
He also suffered from "OCD" Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, his Mother has told me that he hasn't had any problems with it since being on it, and not been sick all winter, everybody else was, but not him. His Mother is also happy to say that after 2 yrs. He can now play football! The Doctors are taking him off of medications because of improvements..They were impressed!.. His Mother is ecstatic! She can't thank me enough for what this Product has done. I want to personally thank Czerral for this product. I have been on it for over 1 yr. And the results are amazing.........I thank you and that little boy and his Mother thank-you! Michelle Glasser ND, USA_
___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Once again I keep getting testimonials!! I am completely loving this!! Czerral, I have to stop e-mailing you like this..... Hehe , but I know you love reading these........ READ! I have been taking InLiven for 1 month now and just ordered my 2nd bottle. The beginning was very rough for me because I went into major detox or had the flu at the same time, or a combination of both, I have no idea. The only thing I do know is that after 7 days of being very sick (fever, sore throat, chills, etc.) I now feel totally GREAT. I started back up on the InLiven and the following is what I am noticing:-I sleep like a BABY and I always used to sleep lightly. I would wake up a lot at night, and hear every sound. Now I am sleeping so deeply that my son waking me up in the morning to say goodbye actually SCARES ME!-My SINUS issues are gone. I used to have a stuffed up nose almost constantly due to allergies, and especially at night. Now I can breathe again. My sinuses are clear and I am not having any allergic issues at all. I am completely off of the nasty nasal spray and this to me is a miracle, as I have been on it for many years.-My appetite has decreased. I seem to be not as hungry, and I don't crave sweets as much. I think I may have lost a couple of lbs, but I am also eating less meat, processed foods, and very little to no alcohol, so could be a combination.-I have more energy. I used to feel pretty tired by 10:00 PM, now I am not tired even at 11:00, and I don't feel the need to nap after work.I have retired all of my old supplements in place of this new one, and have to say I truly enjoy not having to take those tablets and capsules every day! Kathi USA
Just wanted to share with you a fantastic testimonial from a client today. She purchased some InLiven for her 5 year old boy, Dean, who has had eczema since the age of 3 weeks. He is now taking 1 teaspoon twice a day (and asking for it) and the amount of itchy skin covering his body has gone from 95% to 5%; his stomach pains have gone; his dark rings under his eyes are gone and his mother says for the first time in his life his skin has a glow to it. She is delighted and is now trying to get her 7y.o. who has Aspergers syndrome to take it regularly as well. Although recently moving house (to one with no carpets etc) she is absolutely sure that it is the InLiven that is making the most effect. Thank you Czerral and ONE Group - Jacquie McGuire, user name ethicalorganics.
Thanks for the thoughtful insight. It was exactly what I was looking for. When the practitioner told me basically antibiotics were the only way to fix his condition, I knew in my heart that she was wrong. I realize that you are not a doctor by name but I can tell you that I know that of the doctors I have met, they do not seem to really have much knowledge in the microorganism world. I really respect your opinion and have many a time heard what you said and have had an "a-hah" moment ..if you know what I mean. I don't believe that I told you that I am an RN who currently works in a hospital setting. This comes as quite a difficult thing to do these days as I become more and more aware of how western medicine is really failing to really help people become healthy instead of just fixing all problems temporarily.
We have cut dairy from our diet almost 6 months ago, all refined sugars and starches for the past 3 months, and I have never been a caffeine drinker. Needless to say- our diet has radically changed. To clarify: Do you recommend a 1/2 tsp enliven 1x day for my son? I have heard great testimonials about fast tract and enliven and look forward to sharing our testimonial of how our bodies were healed by God's grace and assistance from your product. Thanks again for your shared knowledge, opinions and encouragement. We are keeping the faith and letting the battle rage within knowing that the good will prevail! :)
Our blessings to you and yours,
The Rottman's
Michelle, I just wanted everyone who reads your site to know that ENLIVEN really works! My husband has been taking enliven since October on a regular basis to bring his body back to a more healthy state. Everyone (4 kids) incl. Myself all came down with the flu or colds this winter. Guess what, not my husband. Not even a single symptom of a flu. Where he works, all the employees were sick too. We were also exposed to the infuenza A virus. When you say it builds up defenses against the bad bacteria, you are right on. I need to get my whole family on this. It's worth it!
Glen Ullin North Dakota, USA
Among the many things that I want to start writing about are the amazing healing stories that I have both experienced and witnessed. Here is one of them:
In late December my sister and I were in friends' house. They love pets and have 3 dogs and 4 cats. One of the dogs - a 3 year old well over 100 lbs big boy (Akita) had a torn cartilage in his rear right leg. He couldn't walk and the vet wanted to do surgery on the leg. I love dogs too much to even consider surgery when I know the body will completely heal itself as soon as the right environment in it is provided. And we also have the way to provide the right environment through In-Liven. Since we live in a wonderful world where everything truly happens for a reason, I had a jar of In-Liven in the car so I gave them the jar and told them to start feeding the dog In-Liven. In a few days our friend called us and said that they can't believe how fast the leg is healing and that all their pets love In-Liven. They wanted to continue to feed In-Liven to the dog but they had to get more of it. It was December 30. We had a winter storm with all the trimmings - snow, sleet and freezing rain and there was no way of driving about 60 miles to their house to give them more In-Liven.
I placed an order for a pack of In-Liven to be delivered to their house but I knew that because of the New Year's day and then the weekend, it will be some time until they receive it. I send an email to the head office asking if possible to do what they can for the order because it was for a dog to avoid surgery. And here comes the magic: my sister and I were working on the computer and when we looked at the tracking information of the package, I felt warm happy tears pouring down my face while witnessing the same on her face - from the moment the order was placed to the moment the order was delivered it was 18 hours!!! The morning of December 31 they have received the order. We were so overwhelmed with gratitude to our company that we couldn't find words to express it. THANK YOU ALL for your loving hearts - you make the heart of ONEgroup. We are eternally grateful to be a part of the company with a real heart that CAN make a difference and is doing it beautifully in a perfect one of a kind organic style! THANK YOU!
Now, 3 weeks after starting to eat In-Liven, the dog's leg is completely healed but the healing didn't stop there - his coat is very soft and shiny, his eyes are very clear and he is constantly running up and down the stairs full of energy and desire to play non-stop. And this is just one of the many real stories that we have witnessed and absolutely enjoy. THANK YOU FOR EVERYTHING!
More testimonials from all over the world:
Sharon H., Canada My daughter has had stomachaches her whole life and is now almost 14. After the first day of taking In-Liven, her stomachache was less and after the second day it was completely gone. One day, away from home from early morning till late night, she didn't take In-Liven and her stomachache was back the next morning. I don't think either of us will forget again!
Dr. Karen C. MD, Australia Naturopaths have long been aware of the importance of gut integrity to the health of the body. I’ve had the opportunity to compare In-Liven probiotic powder to other brands in the marketplace and found it to be of superior potency, with bowel and general health improvements within days of clients commencing this product. Most have already tried the long list of over-the-counter probiotics with variable results. I have now started recommending In-Liven for general health maintenance.
Lesley, USA I’ve suffered for many years from auto-immune diseases such as diabetes, degenerative heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and a few others. I was a walking pharmacy and had become the world's greatest cynic, as a result of incompetent doctors and being shuffled from one doctor to another with very little success. I’ve now been on In-Liven for about 2 months and even though I still have the diseases, I feel so much better and therefore able to cope with the world's little downsides. At first the taste was pretty awful but now my palate has become used to the taste I even look forward to taking it. Energy level much higher and general outlook on life much improved. Many thanks!
Leonie B., Australia Joe was diagnosed with Leukemia 3 years ago and needs blood tests every 6 months. After New Years, we decided to start taking In-Liven once every morning. Joe had his blood test in June and when we went in to hear the results, the doctor said there had been a remarkable increase in his T-cell count. He asked, "What have you been doing differently?" We looked at each other and then realised it must be the In-Liven. The doctor told us, "Well, whatever it is, keep doing it! This is the kind of result every AIDS patient around the world looks for—an increase in their T-cells." So after that we’ve taken In-Liven without fail, apart from last week when we ran out! Cheers for a great product!
Suzanne, USA I want to tell you how much In-Liven has helped me. I was born with tonsillitis and given penicillin immediately and for the next 2 years till my tonsils were removed. When I was 7 years old, I began having bladder and kidney infections that lasted on and off till I was 25 years old. During those 18 years I was on antibiotics as if they were a food group, especially Macrodantin, the drug of choice for UTI’s. My childhood and teenage diet was one of white bread, bologna, peanut butter, Oreo cookies, Velveeta cheese and Hawaiian punch. Of course, I was chronically constipated, which seemed normal to me.
When I was 22, I became interested in health and nutrition and radically changed my diet to whole foods, whole grains and less meat. I was still constipated, having bowel movements that were small and hard and constantly struggled with that... Over the past 33 years, I’ve tried nearly every kind of lactobacillus/bifidus product made. At one point, I was a nutritional consultant and had access to many products, and had schooled myself in terms of eating a lot of raw food. All the acidophilus products actually made me more constipated. Extra fiber in the form of powders or pills created intense abdominal pain. Colonics were helpful as long as they were continued, but under my own power things didn’t seem to want to change.
At last I found your product through a friend and my life has since changed dramatically. I now have easy bowel movements every day—at least 2-3, which is exactly right. Finally, I feel like I’m going to be able to get well. It’s a joy to feel a bowel movement coming on and actually know it won’t be a struggle… Thank-you for creating this product! I have more energy and I know I have some “insurance” as the winter flu season is coming on. I take In-Liven with me wherever I go and wouldn’t be without it.
Mihir P., England I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you for your wonderful products. One of my 10-year-old twin son’s has had a slightly abnormal pH stomach since birth so he has suffered with plaque on his teeth and his tongue all these years. After giving him just ½ teaspoon of In-Liven mixed in water at bedtime for just 2 nights, he didn’t even need to use his tongue cleaner! I’ve tried many things in the past without any success. We know that we’ve finally found the solution and will be sticking to it!! Once again thank you!
Sheila B., Australia I’ve just started using your In-Liven, face and body products after obtaining your brochure. I’ve found In-Liven marvelous for my digestive problems—much less bloating and I’m tolerating foods I’ve avoided for years (especially dairy). The Intensive Body Cream cleared up my eczema on my arms and legs in a matter of days!
Sheila B., Australia I’ve just started using your In-Liven, face and body products after obtaining your brochure. I’ve found In-Liven marvelous for my digestive problems—much less bloating and I’m tolerating foods I’ve avoided for years (especially dairy). The Intensive Body Cream cleared up my eczema on my arms and legs in a matter of days!
Barry & Suzette C., Australia A big thank you for your product In-Liven! We bought our first 2 bottles today from a representative who raved about it. My wife had been gardening, felt quite sore in her hands and joints and wanted to taken some pain killers. Within 20 minutes of taking only half a teaspoon of In-Liven, the pain in her hands and joints disappeared and she feels so much better. She hasn’t taken the painkillers. We’re both excited about the amazing effects of In-Liven and have joined as representatives. We look forward to helping many people with your fantastic product.
Suzanne C. & Ryan B., Canada After hearing Czerral on a conference call a few days ago, we started using In-Liven. I also tossed a little (¼ teaspoon) into the bowl of our almost dog Storm (Japanese Akita). Surprisingly, she loves the stuff! At almost 13 years old, she's been showing signs of decline in her hips. Her legs were almost in a squat position when she stood to eat her meals. For the next 3 days, her legs were in almost normal standing position when she ate and, more importantly, her tail was curling more frequently than it had been for months! And while she still continues to enjoy her daily walk, she seems to be more energetic and adventurous, wandering off the beaten path. Her eyes are also brighter than they’ve been for a while. I'm really curious if anyone else is seeing this small miracle occurring elsewhere! I know I feel more alert since I started on the In-Liven. You might chalk that up to plain ol' psychology— placebo effect. But with a dog, I don't think the placebo reasoning flies!
Margaret M., Australia Absolutely congratulate you on a fantastic product In-Liven, I conducted my own test by taking for a few days then stopped for few days and repeated this a few times until I was totally convinced this product was giving me energy and vitality, and oomph to my system thank you for my improved sense of wellbeing. I have now returned to work after two months of illness thanks to In-Liven.
Brad H. & Jemma W., Australia Thank you, ONE Group! We’ve been taking In-Liven every day for 2 months while seeing a world-renowned iridologist/naturopath in Sydney… On the recommendation of Czerral, the formulator of In-Liven, we undertook a cleanse (1 teaspoon of In-Liven 3 times a day for 15 days) after which we reverted back to the recommended amount (1 teaspoon a day). On our next visit to the iridologist/naturopath, he was astounded at the change in our eyes, especially relating to the part of our eyes that represents the bowel and lymphatic system. He told us he’d never seen such dramatic changes in such a short period of time and said, “Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it because it’s working!” Thank you for providing such amazing products to assist our health and vitality.
Clare B., Australia I bought my dad some In-Liven. He’s been sick for quite awhile. I didn’t see him for the next 2 weeks and when I did see him, his face colour had totally changed. Instead of grey, it was plump and pink. Even one of his 75-year-old cronies told him he was looking great. Men never notice this stuff either—amazing!
Maree M., Australia I always used to get a cold with fever every couple of months, all my life—at least through the winter. I’ve now gone a full 12 months with not a single cold, which coincides with the date I started taking In-Liven! Interesting! And I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease 15 years ago. Don't seem to have the same problems there either now! Interesting! Tastes good too!
Laura B., Australia I have to say that In-Liven is the best probiotic I have ever taken. The improvement in my assimilation and elimination has been a quantum leap. I bit my fingernails as a child and have always had nails that split and broke when they got to a certain length. More recently I had begun to think that it was having my hands in water a lot—you know, cleaning etc. But since starting In-Liven 2 months ago, my nails are now lovely and long. The whites of my nails are much whiter, now peeking successfully over the top of my fingers, and look beautiful with a French pink nail polish and guess what they don’t seem to be bothered by being in water as much. Thank you for such a wonderful product. I’ve been looking a long time to find a single supplement to simplify my nutritional supplementation and this comes very close.
Melanie T., Australia Thank you for making such a wonderful product and for truly caring about our children and our environment… I have a photo testimonial of a child who’s had amazing success with In-Liven! He’s 2 years old and his face has always been so red, but after one day on the product it cleared up and is looking great! His mother now wants to sell our products. Warm wishes
Giosetta O., Australia In August 2005 my dad had a partial bowel removal because of cancer and was fitted with a temporary colostomy bag. Once dad came home from hospital I started him on one teaspoon of In-liven per day and his appetite improved within a week. When dad went for a checkup to see how his bowel was healing they found it had healed up very well and no abnormalities were found. We were told by the doctors that dad would have the colostomy bag in anywhere between 3-6 months, but after just 2½ months his colostomy bag was removed. I knew it was a miracle and that there’s more than one reason why I use this wonderful product and why I became an independent rep. I will be forever grateful!