The Probiotic Revolution
What we were never taught in school was the startling link between our body's intestinal flora and its' ability to prevent serious illness and add vital years to our lives. Proper bowel maintenance can help us to enjoy a dramatically higher quality of life as well.
At the turn of the century a Dr. Elias Metchnikoff wrote a groundbreaking book "Prolongation of Life".
In doing so he created the incredible ongoing revolution this work inspired known as the Probiotic Revolution. Metchnikoff, a Nobel laureate who discovered phagocytes and other immune system components, documented in the book what he believed to be a direct link between human longevity and the necessity of maintaining a healthy balance of beneficial micro organisms within the body.
Today, some 87 years later, dozens of the world's most brilliant minds carry on the astonishing work Metchnikoff started. At alternative medicine research facilities worldwide these frontier scientists have documented many of Metchnikoff's original findings on healing, immune-system enhancement, disease prevention, and life extension.
They are also making remarkable breakthroughs in the understanding of human biology. Breakthroughs that are quietly reshaping the way medical science views the internal biological processes that contribute to human health and longevity.
Not surprisingly, with only a few small exceptions, little of this new research is being published by the information outlets of mainstream medicine. The information presented here will unveil many of the vital new discoveries researchers have made in regards to the health enhancing aspects of beneficial microorganisms operating within the human body.
You will learn how you can use this information to enhance health and well being. You can achieve and maintain an extraordinary new vigor and vitality far into the future, regardless of your age.
You will find many sub pages here that can be used to explore the kingdom of bacteria that mainstream nutritional science has totally ignored at the peril of the world's health.
What we were never taught in school was the startling link between our body's intestinal flora and its' ability to prevent serious illness and add vital years to our lives. Proper bowel maintenance can help us to enjoy a dramatically higher quality of life as well.
At the turn of the century a Dr. Elias Metchnikoff wrote a groundbreaking book "Prolongation of Life".
In doing so he created the incredible ongoing revolution this work inspired known as the Probiotic Revolution. Metchnikoff, a Nobel laureate who discovered phagocytes and other immune system components, documented in the book what he believed to be a direct link between human longevity and the necessity of maintaining a healthy balance of beneficial micro organisms within the body.
Today, some 87 years later, dozens of the world's most brilliant minds carry on the astonishing work Metchnikoff started. At alternative medicine research facilities worldwide these frontier scientists have documented many of Metchnikoff's original findings on healing, immune-system enhancement, disease prevention, and life extension.
They are also making remarkable breakthroughs in the understanding of human biology. Breakthroughs that are quietly reshaping the way medical science views the internal biological processes that contribute to human health and longevity.
Not surprisingly, with only a few small exceptions, little of this new research is being published by the information outlets of mainstream medicine. The information presented here will unveil many of the vital new discoveries researchers have made in regards to the health enhancing aspects of beneficial microorganisms operating within the human body.
You will learn how you can use this information to enhance health and well being. You can achieve and maintain an extraordinary new vigor and vitality far into the future, regardless of your age.
You will find many sub pages here that can be used to explore the kingdom of bacteria that mainstream nutritional science has totally ignored at the peril of the world's health.