The most important secret to good health is to unlock the bodies’ potential to heal itself. Particularly at this time, addressing the innate intelligence contained on a cellular level is paramount if the human race is going to have any quality of life or perhaps even to survive.
Cancer is just one way Nature eliminates an unwholesome part of its’ system. We all know we have to grow towards our highest potential, to become wholesome and yet there seems to be a self-defeating tendency in all organisms which chooses the easiest or most expedient pathway, which leads to their lowest potential. It is through this ruthlessness that nature keeps everything in balance; She destroys what is unhealthy and saves only what is the fittest, setting the standard for the next level of potential.
The human body dances to the tune of the cosmic intelligence. Therefore, we must learn the language of the body. Our happiness or sorrow lies in our knowledge of the way our own individual body defends us against debilitating diseases. Otherwise the likes of cancer and those bacterial and viral infections which have the potential power to bankrupt the pocketbook as well as the health and joy of our life span can manifest.
Each individual organism at every level has the power of choice to go forward or be left behind, and each level of every system can be seen to have its own philosophy. The purifying of the internal environment cannot be achieved unless these conscious guiding growth philosophies are in harmony with nature’s purpose. Cancer cells come from a conflict between philosophies of life at one or more levels of an organism.
99.9 % of the bodies cells are passive. .01% of the total of our cells reside in our immune system. It is a well-known fact our immune cells are all that stand between us, death and disease. The philosophy of a killer cell found in the immune system is to do battle to the death, if necessary. These killer cells hold an equivalent philosophy as that of a “Japanese Samurai.” Other less active cells are passive or non-aggressive. They hold an opposite philosophy with their unwillingness to kill to save. This allows pollution of the body’s own internal environment. The immune system then becomes deficient, which results in disease.
Genes are ultra-microscopic particles in the nucleus of a cell, which carry the DNA message of life. Like a perpetual communication from the Creator to his creation, this message is communicated to the rest of the cells and to the body as a whole by the messenger RNA. The beneficial or destructive influences that permeate the body and surround the cell environment determine the activity and effectiveness of the RNA which play the fundamental role in the nature of all cell substances, cell structures and cell effects.
With our understanding of the different philosophies of the body we must focus upon the immune system and assist it to evolve to its highest potential. In order for the immune system to reach this potential it must have raw materials in the form of organic nutrients at its disposal. Ideally these organic nutrients would come from whole foods grown in organic soils because the quality of any plant is a reflection of the environment it is grown in.
The immune system is so intelligent it recognizes the difference between man made biochemical nutrients and natural ones produced by the body’s own cells, or those found in nature’s whole foods. The body reacts in a form of shock to man made nutrients identified as foreign substances and immediately shuts off other parts of the immune system, particularly in the stem cells where the basic building blocks of healthy new cells are spawned. Therefore the potential for future repair of damaged cells is discharged due to this approach, because the organism cannot make new defensive cells for its immune system.
As we look deeper into the intelligence contained within the body, we will find ourselves at the base of all life, ‘the Bacteria kingdom’. It has been stated that a single cell in the immune system contains more wisdom than all the accumulated wisdom of the human race. Acknowledging this, we must come to understand the first line of defense or offense of the immune system is the bacteria. The human body contains over 2 kilos of these highly intelligent organisms. They are responsible to make nutrients available to the body. Good bacteria fight off bad bacteria through use of natural anti-bodies that they produce. They produce life-giving enzymes and use lactic acid as a means of destroying the health robbing bacteria and funguses.
In order to actualize the potential of the immune system we must first address the needs of the body in relation to bacteria. The balance of good bacteria and what has been labeled as bad bacteria must be in a ratio of 85% good and 15% bad. Once this most important ratio falls out of balance then all manner of disease starts to manifest in the body and overwhelm the immune system. Most holistic practitioners will agree, “Disease begins in the colon.” Once putrefactive bacteria take hold in the bowels all kinds of toxic materials are released into the body environment. Bad bacteria imbalances allow fungus and yeast to cross these important lines of balance resulting in Candida and Thrush.
Antibiotics found in drug therapy and in the meat and foods we eat destroy the important balance of bacteria in our body. The air we now are forced to breathe in the world’s cities has over 600 toxins that also effect this balance. Birth control pills, heat, cold, preservatives found in most foodstuff, salt, alcohol, colas, fluorides, and chlorine’s, just to name a few, also destroy or compromise this delicate balance of bacteria in the gut!
Due to this, in order to reach the highest potential within the human body, we must first start to adjust the bacteria balance in our intestinal tract and then saturate the body with a broad spectrum of whole food organic nutrients. By addressing these two areas in our own body we take ultimate responsibility for the cause of our health, or lack of health. We learn the true meaning of “Preventative Health Care” and then we no longer just deal with effects.
The most important point of this message is: “We must learn to replace the good bacteria on a daily basis. If this is not done then no matter what remedy, therapy, diet or drug is used, it is all for naught!”
Mankind is gradually learning that in our hands lies the power to co-create our own reality, individually or collectively. This truth is cradled in our own understanding of how our bodies work in harmony with nature and our willingness to supply it, with the vital raw materials needed in order to bring us to our highest potential. It is necessary for us to encourage the intelligence in the genes to develop and grow towards their highest expression by creating a resonance with the unified collective purpose of life.
It is time for humankind to recognize and acknowledge the interconnected Higher Order of Intelligence living within each and every thing. When given cooperation and allowance, this Infinite Intelligence orchestrates all that is needed to fulfill the balance, harmony and peace that are every individual’s birthright within the macro-micro-cosmic worlds.
To your health,
Czerral D.V.Med, MMBM
The most important secret to good health is to unlock the bodies’ potential to heal itself. Particularly at this time, addressing the innate intelligence contained on a cellular level is paramount if the human race is going to have any quality of life or perhaps even to survive.
Cancer is just one way Nature eliminates an unwholesome part of its’ system. We all know we have to grow towards our highest potential, to become wholesome and yet there seems to be a self-defeating tendency in all organisms which chooses the easiest or most expedient pathway, which leads to their lowest potential. It is through this ruthlessness that nature keeps everything in balance; She destroys what is unhealthy and saves only what is the fittest, setting the standard for the next level of potential.
The human body dances to the tune of the cosmic intelligence. Therefore, we must learn the language of the body. Our happiness or sorrow lies in our knowledge of the way our own individual body defends us against debilitating diseases. Otherwise the likes of cancer and those bacterial and viral infections which have the potential power to bankrupt the pocketbook as well as the health and joy of our life span can manifest.
Each individual organism at every level has the power of choice to go forward or be left behind, and each level of every system can be seen to have its own philosophy. The purifying of the internal environment cannot be achieved unless these conscious guiding growth philosophies are in harmony with nature’s purpose. Cancer cells come from a conflict between philosophies of life at one or more levels of an organism.
99.9 % of the bodies cells are passive. .01% of the total of our cells reside in our immune system. It is a well-known fact our immune cells are all that stand between us, death and disease. The philosophy of a killer cell found in the immune system is to do battle to the death, if necessary. These killer cells hold an equivalent philosophy as that of a “Japanese Samurai.” Other less active cells are passive or non-aggressive. They hold an opposite philosophy with their unwillingness to kill to save. This allows pollution of the body’s own internal environment. The immune system then becomes deficient, which results in disease.
Genes are ultra-microscopic particles in the nucleus of a cell, which carry the DNA message of life. Like a perpetual communication from the Creator to his creation, this message is communicated to the rest of the cells and to the body as a whole by the messenger RNA. The beneficial or destructive influences that permeate the body and surround the cell environment determine the activity and effectiveness of the RNA which play the fundamental role in the nature of all cell substances, cell structures and cell effects.
With our understanding of the different philosophies of the body we must focus upon the immune system and assist it to evolve to its highest potential. In order for the immune system to reach this potential it must have raw materials in the form of organic nutrients at its disposal. Ideally these organic nutrients would come from whole foods grown in organic soils because the quality of any plant is a reflection of the environment it is grown in.
The immune system is so intelligent it recognizes the difference between man made biochemical nutrients and natural ones produced by the body’s own cells, or those found in nature’s whole foods. The body reacts in a form of shock to man made nutrients identified as foreign substances and immediately shuts off other parts of the immune system, particularly in the stem cells where the basic building blocks of healthy new cells are spawned. Therefore the potential for future repair of damaged cells is discharged due to this approach, because the organism cannot make new defensive cells for its immune system.
As we look deeper into the intelligence contained within the body, we will find ourselves at the base of all life, ‘the Bacteria kingdom’. It has been stated that a single cell in the immune system contains more wisdom than all the accumulated wisdom of the human race. Acknowledging this, we must come to understand the first line of defense or offense of the immune system is the bacteria. The human body contains over 2 kilos of these highly intelligent organisms. They are responsible to make nutrients available to the body. Good bacteria fight off bad bacteria through use of natural anti-bodies that they produce. They produce life-giving enzymes and use lactic acid as a means of destroying the health robbing bacteria and funguses.
In order to actualize the potential of the immune system we must first address the needs of the body in relation to bacteria. The balance of good bacteria and what has been labeled as bad bacteria must be in a ratio of 85% good and 15% bad. Once this most important ratio falls out of balance then all manner of disease starts to manifest in the body and overwhelm the immune system. Most holistic practitioners will agree, “Disease begins in the colon.” Once putrefactive bacteria take hold in the bowels all kinds of toxic materials are released into the body environment. Bad bacteria imbalances allow fungus and yeast to cross these important lines of balance resulting in Candida and Thrush.
Antibiotics found in drug therapy and in the meat and foods we eat destroy the important balance of bacteria in our body. The air we now are forced to breathe in the world’s cities has over 600 toxins that also effect this balance. Birth control pills, heat, cold, preservatives found in most foodstuff, salt, alcohol, colas, fluorides, and chlorine’s, just to name a few, also destroy or compromise this delicate balance of bacteria in the gut!
Due to this, in order to reach the highest potential within the human body, we must first start to adjust the bacteria balance in our intestinal tract and then saturate the body with a broad spectrum of whole food organic nutrients. By addressing these two areas in our own body we take ultimate responsibility for the cause of our health, or lack of health. We learn the true meaning of “Preventative Health Care” and then we no longer just deal with effects.
The most important point of this message is: “We must learn to replace the good bacteria on a daily basis. If this is not done then no matter what remedy, therapy, diet or drug is used, it is all for naught!”
Mankind is gradually learning that in our hands lies the power to co-create our own reality, individually or collectively. This truth is cradled in our own understanding of how our bodies work in harmony with nature and our willingness to supply it, with the vital raw materials needed in order to bring us to our highest potential. It is necessary for us to encourage the intelligence in the genes to develop and grow towards their highest expression by creating a resonance with the unified collective purpose of life.
It is time for humankind to recognize and acknowledge the interconnected Higher Order of Intelligence living within each and every thing. When given cooperation and allowance, this Infinite Intelligence orchestrates all that is needed to fulfill the balance, harmony and peace that are every individual’s birthright within the macro-micro-cosmic worlds.
To your health,
Czerral D.V.Med, MMBM